Aroma Nica Inc.
Specialty CoffeeBeveragesFood - WholesalersFood ProcessingFood SpecialtiesManufacturers
Coffee pickup hours Monday - Thursday 10 am-4pm, Fridays 10am-1pm
closed weekends and stat holidaysAbout Us
For a quarter of a century, spanning the entire journey since the inception of Aroma Nica, Maria Fiallos has been at the helm of operations. She embarked on this odyssey alongside her father, working tirelessly to introduce their family-grown coffee from their family coffee farm to the Canadian market.
Aroma Nica is dedicated to democratizing the experience of specialty Nicaraguan coffee. Our collective efforts are steadfastly aimed at ensuring that these coffees reach a diverse array of individuals. We ardently pursue equity throughout the supply chain, working towards prosperity for our incredible growers.Rep/Contact Info
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